of BEB 23 and facial spasm 24 are usually treated with an i
The cases of BEB 23 and
facial spasm 24 are usually treated with an injection of botulinum toxin or
botulinum to
webapex.net xin, which is well known. Botox paralyzes certain muscles and keeps
them from contracting. But before you choose it, check for these side effects
of botulinum toxin. Surgery may also be recommended in some cases.
In most cases, the causes of
eye twitching are simple, such as fatigue, lack of sleep, stress, excessive
caffeine or alcohol, and dry eyes caused by prolonged computer use or laser eye
surgery. If it
westernmagazine.org stays for a week or more, it may be an eye infection like
blepharitis. Occasionally, eye convulsions may indicate eyelid spasms, a
tendency for the eyelids to close, or facial spasms, where muscles on one side
of the face twitch themselves. In rare cases, eyelid spasms that last more than
a week may indicate a potential brain or neurological disorder.
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